Is my xenia a goner???


Active Member
Yesterday both looked great. I woke up this morning to this. It still is alive and it is trying to extend itself I think. HELP!!! I do not want it to poison my tank.


It may have been attacked, do you have any hermits in your tank? I had a stalk that looked like that because one of my hermits attacked it, it sprang back to life within a day though.


Active Member
Check out the base. If its real white and sorta decaying where its attached to the rock, you may lose it. I lost a whole colony recently to some sort of fungus. Luckily i had another colony in another tank and it is doing great.


Active Member
occasionally Xenia "crashes" I have seen a perfectly healthy colony recede all the way to base tissue, then regrow. for absolutely no reason I could ascertain.


Active Member
BY the small spots of coraline I am going to assume this tank is relativly young? say6-8 months tops. am I right?
xenia is really hit of miss in younger tanks. generally the older the tank the better it does, A rule of thumb (I cant remember where I heard this one) is once your coraline spots are about the size of a quarter you can usually get away with xenia. though I personally have killed it in tanks coated in coraline so I wont call it a super accurate rule of thumb. I have tried xenia in every tank I havge ever had and only with my latest tank have I had success with it. I dont really do much different than I ever have.

coral keeper

Active Member
I had my xenia for 17 days and the same thing happend to me for 16 days in the morning it was like that showing in the pic and in the middle of the day it would get better but not all the way. Some times its bad like that all day. Hey gypsana do you see little or or big piece of xenia on the sand bed or any where els? because today i found a piece of xenia on the sand bed. I only had the xenia for 17 days so far. My tank is only about 4 1/2 months old. All my lvls are all good. All my other corals are doing great but the xenia isent. How old dos your tank need to be to guarantee 100% for the xenia to live? I got baby xenia on the same rock and they are doing extremely great! Is it a hit or miss with colt coral, kenya tree, and green stare polyps with young tanks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I had my xenia for 17 days and the same thing happend to me for 16 days in the morning it was like that showing in the pic and in the middle of the day it would get better but not all the way. Some times its bad like that all day. Hey gypsana do you see little or or big piece of xenia on the sand bed or any where els? because today i found a piece of xenia on the sand bed. I only had the xenia for 17 days so far. My tank is only about 4 1/2 months old. All my lvls are all good. All my other corals are doing great but the xenia isent. How old dos your tank need to be to guarantee 100% for the xenia to live? I got baby xenia on the same rock and they are doing extremely great! Is it a hit or miss with colt coral, kenya tree, and green stare polyps with young tanks?
I have not seen any on the bottom yet, but I will be on the lookout! The color is looking better, it has perked up some, and the base doesn't look to be decaying. I guess time will tell. And my tank is about 8 months old. Thanks for all your helpful replies.


Originally Posted by gypsana
No but I have an Emerald crab.
There ya go! I had a Emerald Crab attack my Xenia last week. I had to pull the xenia 2 days ago. He started picking at the xenias little hands at night. I turned on the flashlight and caught him. I guess Xenias and Emeralds don't mix.

coral keeper

Active Member
Thats what my LFS said, my emerald crab might be bitting the xenia. Iv never caught him bitting my xenia tho. Ill probably go trade the emerald in for a some thing els.


I had a hermit (golf ball size) devour a good sized stalk during the night. Woke up in the morning and nothing left. Just a couple of Xenia hands floating around. I had another Xenia on a platform out of reach from everything and he is growing great.


I've got 2 small Emeralds in my tank. My LFS said they are OK with Xenias if they are small...LOL Now the problem, how to get them out! They are faster than you might think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
And my tank is about 8 months old..
Darn, I'm good.
I nailed it. *S*
I am glad its getting some color back. hopefully it come fully around for you It stinks tyo lose a coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Darn, I'm good.
I nailed it. *S*
I am glad its getting some color back. hopefully it come fully around for you It stinks tyo lose a coral.
That was a great guess!! It is looking even better now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
I've got 2 small Emeralds in my tank. My LFS said they are OK with Xenias if they are small...LOL Now the problem, how to get them out! They are faster than you might think.
Good luck I caught mine awhile back and it was before I added corals and my anenome was tiny. I would not even want to try now. Could a pom pom crab try to rob it for his missing anenomes?


Active Member
Well my Xenia is back to normal, but I found my Emerald Crab belly up. It was a hitchhiker with some live rock awhile back so I have no idea how old it was. He was already full grown when he inherited it. Bummer. I have when things die , but that's the way it goes. He is going out to our backyard fishie cemetery.


We had that happen to one of our colonies. It was on a rock with another colony and only the one died. Now, the remaining colony has spread and is growing like crazy in our tank.
Xenia smells terrible!!
(thats what mine looked like by the way and it was dead)..... I had to many bad experiences with it, looks pretty neat but no way..
. i learned my lesson!