Is my yellow tang weird?

michelle l

In the past, I have had two yellow tangs at different times. Both were very shy and only came out of they thought I wasn't near the tank.
Fast forward a few years (okay, maybe 10 or 15 of them
) I have a very large, very outgoing yellow tang that will actually swim up as I am trying to hand-feed my inverts and snatch the food from my fingers. If it weren't frustrating it would be pretty comical!
If I am looking in the tank at something, he blocks my view because he is swimming right in front of my face, almost like, "Look at me! Look at me!" He has a Cortez angel as a tankmate who is he very competitive with for food.
Is he an oddity or were my first tangs just very shy? I was just wondering if other member's yellows were the same as mine.


Active Member
My Sailfin does that all the time. I have yellows also, they are not shy but they dont feed from my hand but there not scard of it. they know its where the food comes from.


Staff member
"Large" would be the operative word here. He is obviously king of the tank, and his size makes him very self assured. Unlike baby tangs which most of the 2-3" tangs we see in the hobby are.