is red algae harmful to fish


Red slime is often confused with brown diatom bloom. True red slime is caused by cyanobacter. You most likely have a diatom bloom which will not harm your fish. Some causes are:
1. lighting change
2. phosphate or silicate
3. nitrites,ammonia
4. sun light on your tank(if you work
during the day you may not know when the
sun hits your tank)


New Member
I have the same kind of thing... I think its cause my diatoms went away, and my nitrites finally went down... So, low I have tons of green algae everywhere, and also some red algae that looks like puffs... Its bulky looking... What should I do, clean it or leave and get some kind of snail to do it... Cause I have a picaso trigger... Right now I use tap water, and its not close to a window either... Any other suggestions??? On what it is??? And how to get rid of it???