is RO/DI water drinkable?


New Member
I am planning to purchase a Kent Maxxima Hi-S RO/DI unit (4-stage 60gpd). Is there anyone using it now and how is it? I heard that the water is not drinkable, is it true? Would anyone recommand any other brand which you think is better (in price and quality) instead of the one I mention above?


It is deffinatley drinkable. By running it through the RO/DI process you are basicaly making it purer H2O.


yes it is drinkable, ppl just debate it takes out all the electrolics(sp) whatever but most ppl don't drink enough water anyway and if you have a good diet I wouldn't even worry. The only problem i would see is if you store it for long periods of time would bacteria affect it since the chlorine is gone?


RO water is ok, but when you DI it, it takes out ions in your throat when you drink, nit a good idea. I don't know the mechanics of it all but... why chance it.


funny where did you hear it takes ions out of your throat. Do you know what ions are?it's not gonna remove anything its just not adding organic ions to your system which isn't a big deal if you have a balance diet. I would be more concerned with bacteria if you stored it over a period of time.= no clorine


New Member
old yellow tang:
what model of culligan are you having? How long have you been using it? And about how much?
I have been looking at the RO units and if you go to the Kent Marine site it has a page that talks about the different filters and membranes, etc. At the very bottom is one line that just says they don't recommend drinking DI water. I don't know why or why not, need to contact them and find out.


New Member
I can't say how detrimental drinking DI water would be, but I have worked with it in a couple of laboritories. Drinking DI is always on the safty list of things NOT to do. Your body uses ions to do alot of things: Absorb food and water, maintain nervous and muscular function, and your kidneys use ions to aid in getting rid of waste. DI water would be dificult for your body to absorb and when and if it did it would unbalance the levels of ions in your body. If you want to know more get a biology book and look up kidney function, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions. If you manace to absorb a large ammount of DI water it can cause your blood cells to get bloated or even burst.
Drinking DI water is like putting a salt water fish in fresh water. It will stress your system.


New Member
However....if you are eating something or taking a multi-vitimin while drinking the DI water it is quite possible that it wont be DI anymore by the time your body gets a chance to absorb it.
none the less I wouldn't drink it personaly.
i think its okay to drink i mean me and my family drink ro/di water all the time and i mean were perfectily fine, exepect the green glown at night lol


alot of ppl don't even drink water drinking di water won't harm you. you get minerals from other sources.If you only drank water and had limited foods maybe but in all rwality how much water do you drink? I drink 64ounces a day. Not ro not di. But most ppl I know never drink water they seem fine. Don't belive the hype. What are ions? PPl who say you aren't getting enough ions i bet they don't even have a clue or they would sound so foolish by saying your body needs ions. If your were running a marathon maybe di would be bad but just for daily drinking? Your body will get plenty of nutrients from foods.
Kent Marine explains DI water:
Deionized water is >99.9% filtered. Being that this water is void of
>practically all its mineral content, it is astringent. This water is very
>"aggressive" in how it interacts with other materials. DI acts like a
>sponge, absorbing what it can from the environment. When you drink DI
>water, it can taste flat, and very dry. Some people have stated that the
>DI water tastes "chemically" or "fishy", this is from the actual resins and
>how they were activated. The MSDS (material data safety sheet) on
>deionized water states deionized or deionized/distilled water should not be
>used as drinking water. A large amount of MSDS information is available
>online and I suggest reading some of them. Some MSDS's state it can cause
I don't think I will be drinking it.


New Member
I didn't check this site for a while, and I am very appreciate for all the input especially the information and time from CaymanLovers. Once again, thank you very much to all of you. :rolleyes: :cool: ;)
Have a great summer.