is ro/di water needed?


Active Member
hi. just got a new 90 gallon for christmas and i want to make sure im doing everything right. do I need to fill it with the ro water or can i just use sink water and treat it for chlorine and use a ph buffer and phosphate spounge?
I have 2 other tanks both have sink water but I was just wondering


Active Member
a R.O.D.I. unit is more important than any other piece of equipment in my opinion.


Active Member
even with a lot of water changes?
I mean i have a 29 seahorse tank filled with sink water and that seems to be fine. what would happen without the ro water?


algae would happen.. unless you have really good water coming out. But if I'm not mistaken lot of household sinks are run with copper pipes, which could leak into the water and kill fish/inverts... I could be wrong


Can you be successful without RO water?
It's possible, I guess, but you're drastically increasing the probability of poor water parameters and the problems that come with that.


I work in the water industry and local City water is not good anywhere. Get a good RO/DI unit and save the pain.


Active Member
Yeah you can supplement all you want with buffers and cleaners... but that doesn't mean your keeping phosphates, silicas, heavy metals out of your tank. After awhile of untreated RO/DI water the cost of the unit comes down... I wish I would've bought one before I added water to my first tank.
RO/DI and a good skimmer are REALLY tough to beat in this hobby.


def use RO/DI if possible. dont cheap out in this hobby. cutting corners will bite you in the end.. i learned the hard way. do everything the best way possible, even if it takes alittle more time.
Completely agree. I have tried both and RO/DI water, even when I have had to buy it the LFS for .89/gallon. It is really worth it