is some better han none


got this little air driven skimmer just for my 29bc now i read that it's pretty much usless. I can't aford to buy another right now, my question is, should i remove it and replace the cartridge, or is it better than no skimmer at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dabnub
got this little air driven skimmer just for my 29bc now i read that it's pretty much usless. I can't aford to buy another right now, my question is, should i remove it and replace the cartridge, or is it better than no skimmer at all.
Leave it on. It's mostly harmless

In my experience, on nano tanks these aren't half bad for a few weeks...the stones quickly deteriorate and suck to replace.
If you are on a budget and want a good skimmer...check out octopus hob. That's what I have one my 29 and I'm that shows how much money I have
That will run you about 100 bucks.
Look for a skimmer that is rated double what your tank size is.


Active Member
yeah harmless. some is better than none. it still oxgenates the water and raises dissolved o2 if nothing else.