Is that normal?


Does hippo tangs grows that quickly? When I got my hippo tang, 4 months ago, he was probably 2 inches. Now he is 5 inches at least and looks well oversized for my 60 gallons as well as in comparison with other fish. He just grown like a dough on a yeast. Does Hippo tangs such a fast growers?
I must admit: he does have an immense appetite: when I feeding my fish, he is like a vacuum cleaner..speeding his way like torpedo and swallows majority of the food, before other fishes had a chance. He is very cheeky too! When I am feeding shrimps with little piece of cockle or squid on a stick, he snatching it before, shrimps have an opportunity.
Are they renowned for such greediness as well as fast growers?


Active Member
They definitely can be. If they have a good, well-balanced diet, and are fed often enough in clean water, they definitely can grow that fast.


Active Member
Make sure you give him lots of algae based foods... too many meaty foods will kill him. They are herbivores.


Originally Posted by rusting
Your tank is way to small for him.
Rusting, I know my tank to small for him. No need to state the obvious.
Wax, I do put a dry nori in the tank as well as Juliah's Sprins's sea Vegies, under the cleaning magnet.


Active Member
I would also feed some sort of frozen greenery too. I like frozen Algae Formula (spirulina, kelp, and marine algae mixture).

nm reef

Active Member
Seems the tang police are about as subtle as those that patrol our streets huh......sure a 60 is not the prefect accomodations for a full grown hippo but if there are plans to re-locate him and if your current system is well established and maintained he can do fine for a few years easily. I introduced mine as a 3" juvinile in a well established 55 gal system about 3.5 years ago....moved him to a 100 gal display about 2 years ago....he is now about 7" or so and has never grown very fast at all.......they do like a diverse diet that features algae based foods and in time yours may indeed outgrow your 60 as was so delicately mentioned.


NM..thanks for assurance. I know my tank way to small for him. But I just can't part with this guy. I bought him (stupidly so) from LFS, when my tank just passed the cycling stage, but parameters of water still fluctuating. He survived, grown up (3 times the size) with me. He is my big baby. I just can't give him back to LFS, even though I know he is to big for my tank. I just can't give him away. Sorry.
Here is a picture, which I took few min ago. Of course I don' t have such a brilliant photographic skills as you do, NM Reef.

He was just a bit bigger then I bought him, then the damsel bellow on the picture. I know, I am horrible hobbyist, but I am not giving my Arty (RT-Regal tang) away to anybody, he was with me through all the trouble I gone through.