Is the 48" 760W Metal Halide Aquarium Reef Light and good?

Is it good for my 48" 60 gallon aquarium?
Tof ind what I am looking for, try to google the following:
48" 760W Metal Halide Aquarium Reef Light


Active Member
If it is the one on the big "E" I would think we only get what we pay for......
Also that would be a lot of light for a 60, but the price is really low. The quality must be an issue... In a 48 inch setup today ,good T-5's will do all you want without needing a Chiller, which in many cases on a 60 with 750 watts you would need........ Plus the other bulbs where "Power Compacts" almost a thing of the past these days..... But the price is real cheap, the product maybe too............