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I mixed it bucket by bucket with just tap water that I used a water conditioner in. I plan to use RO water for my water changes though. 75 gallons is alot of trips to Wal mart for water, I just wasn't up to it with 2 kids although thats what I would have liked to have done. I have 2 powerheads running right now. It should have been dissolved by now its been about 5 or 6 days, temperature has been steady 80 degrees.
Am I understanding you correctly? You mixed the salt and water in buckets and then poured it straight into the tank with the powerheads running?
If that is what you did, you probably don't have enough aeration going on in the tank as a whole which would be slowing down the dissolving - that would be my best guess. Aeration would move the water around and thus your salt crystals would dissolve. No movement, and you have a longger time frame for the crystals to dissolve.
This I know to be true because I have poured the salt into the five gallon bottles and a day or two later I got around to aerating the water and saw crystals still in the bottles.
When I mix up Instant Ocean or Oceanic I use five gallon water bottles and stick an airstone in it and allow it to aerate for 24 hours. By the end of 24 hours everything is dissolved completely - regardless of the brand.
In the future, for the health of your fish, if you just mixed the salt and water in a bucket and poured it in, you might want to aerate it first for 24 hours as I believe it affects the PH and possibly the 02 levels.
I have no preferred brand and use both brands. I don't believe switching is going to make any difference and I alternate back and forth all the time. The way I look at it, sea salt is sea salt - provided we aren't dealing with pollutants in the salt. Both are from reputable companies so I use both.
Denise M.