Is there a picture sticky for plant ID?


Is there a place on this board where there are pictures of plants and algae for identification?
That would be great for many of us rookies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keeshcarm
Is there a place on this board where there are pictures of plants and algae for identification?
That would be great for many of us rookies.
Really, there aren't any plants in this hobby per se. There is an ID forum, you can browse through that or just post pictures of what you have. Some of us have seen it all.

Welcome to the boards, stick around and ask any questions you want.


Active Member
I disagree, there are several plants or sea grasses that are not algae.
Ore grass
turtle grass
star grass
manatee grass
and there are dozens of Macro algaes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I disagree, there are several plants or sea grasses that are not algae.
Ore grass
turtle grass
star grass
manatee grass
and there are dozens of Macro algaes.
Of course, in the whole ocean there are tons of plants...but these are just grasses and not horribly common for our hobby.


Staff member
While the term marine plants may not be the most accurate to use, I think we get the gist of what the topic is about.
I don't believe that we have a picture ID topic for them, but I'd love to see one and I'd be glad to archive it or sticky it here if such a topic develops.


Active Member
Here I started one.