Is there a way to stop fish from seeing you?


Active Member
Whenever I walk into my room the clownfish swims up and down the glass asking for food. If I feed him he does it again, is there a way to see them without them seeing you or a way to tame them from this. I know its becuase they know you are the food source. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Whenever I walk into my room the clownfish swims up and down the glass asking for food. If I feed him he does it again, is there a way to see them without them seeing you or a way to tame them from this. I know its becuase they know you are the food source. Any suggestions?
just dont look at them or put some vanishing cream on


Active Member
lol. Even if I dont look he still does it. I just like to see them swim naturally up and down and host the fake coral not run into the glass.


If it's at night, you can turn off any lights in your room and just leave the aquarium light on. They won't be able to see you unless you walk up to the aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thanks, And the algea is almost gone. Hair algea is still there...
Thats good the hear, hair algae can be hard to get rid of but keep on keeping on...


I had the same problem. So what I did was...Whenever I feed, I turn off the pumps. This is a signal that they are going to eat. Problem solved. I can walk up to the tank with no problems. If the filter is turned off, everything in the tank knows its time to eat.

Originally Posted by TriGa22
Whenever I walk into my room the clownfish swims up and down the glass asking for food. If I feed him he does it again, is there a way to see them without them seeing you or a way to tame them from this. I know its becuase they know you are the food source. Any suggestions?


I had the same problem. So what I did was...Whenever I feed, I turn off the pumps. This is a signal that they are going to eat. Problem solved. I can walk up to the tank with no problems. If the filter is turned off, everything in the tank knows its time to eat.

Originally Posted by TriGa22
Whenever I walk into my room the clownfish swims up and down the glass asking for food. If I feed him he does it again, is there a way to see them without them seeing you or a way to tame them from this. I know its because they know you are the food source. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Good Idea. What I did with fresh and just havent done it in salt is tap the glass when I feed them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
I had the same problem. So what I did was...Whenever I feed, I turn off the pumps. This is a signal that they are going to eat. Problem solved. I can walk up to the tank with no problems. If the filter is turned off, everything in the tank knows its time to eat.

when ever i turn off the pump os power goes out. all the stuff the pumos are sucking in gets spit back out and a million things are floating in the tank. its gross. how do u prevent tht? just clean it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Good Idea. What I did with fresh and just havent done it in salt is tap the glass when I feed them.
honestly i dont think it is a good idea to tap the tank.
the vibrations travel through the water. and im not sure the fish like it?
im not saying u do or u shouldnt unlessu g et a more knowledgeable person then mes oppinon.

40 galons

Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Look at them more often and don't feed them. Eventually they will return to normal.
i believe this would be the best/ convienient method. That way the fish stop associating you with food


Active Member
Originally Posted by 40 galons
i believe this would be the best/ convienient method. That way the fish stop associating you with food
plus you get to look at your fish... its win win...


Active Member
It does go away with normal viewing, not to bag on ya but when you see the fish that beg its usually a sign of a neglected tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
It does go away with normal viewing, not to bag on ya but when you see the fish that beg its usually a sign of a neglected tank.
a neglected tank?
i think almost all clowns do it along with many fish.. no?
they are ll just fattys so o speak..
hey.. u could always cover ur eyes if u dont want them to see u haha

sorry for the sarcasm lol but i couldnt h elp it.


Active Member
I don't know necessarily if I would say neglected per could in some cases be an "overloved" fish meaning it gets fed everytime someone comes to the top. But it is a pretty basic learned response, and so you can "retrain" it with time. Still some fish may continue to be wishful thinkers


Active Member
Originally Posted by bugsy
i wear sunglasses and a baseball hat. they never know it's me

Walk up to the tank more often and don't feed them.
My fish only go to the corner when it's dinner time, around 8pm. I do turn the pump off before I feed, so it doesn't get sucked up into the overflow box, but even before I turn off the pump they start circling waiting for food. It's the one time I can get them all in a picture together.



Active Member
I feed them every other day. I dont think that they are fed to much. My tank is in my room and I really dont like to just sit around so they arnt being watched but only 30:00 a day.