Is there a way to test if live rock i bought has been treated with copper?


New Member
I bought some live rock from a guy who had a fowlr and i started to wonder if he ever treated his live rock with copper. Its in QT right now and has been for about 3 weeks, but i dont want to add it to my DT unless i know for sure that it hasnt been treated with copper. I e-mailed him but i dont know if i will get a response from him. Is there any way to test to see if the liverock has absorbed any copper?
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
they make copper test kits, so id just let the rock sit in the water for a few weeks and hope if there is copper, it leaches into the water and you can test for it.
does the rock look sterile? like bleach white or is it full of coraline, sponges, anything else that looks alive?


New Member
its kinda white but it does have some coraline on it, he said he had it in his tank for 7 years and treated it once when he set his aquarium up but he didnt remember what he treated it with.


Active Member
I don’t think you will find a copper test that will work for what you want to do. The test would have to read down to .003 copper to be perfectly safe. Most test will read down to .05 copper. But if you got a reading of .05 + then you would know you got copper but if the test did not give you a reading at all you would not know if you had copper.


Active Member
If there is any doubt that you may have rock used in a tank with copper, I would ditch it. It is not worth it. There really is no solid way to tell for sure if it has or has not until it starts leaching copper.