Is there an ideal water temperature


I know there's a certain suggested range for the water temperature, in fact it has it in green on my thermometer. However, I was wondering if there is a specific temperature that is ideal for fish. Also, in case of emergencies (ie powerfailures, drastic outside temperature changes) what is an unbearable minimum or maximum temp?


Before I go any farther, I am a newbie as well...I have done a lot of research and asked a lot of quesitons on here and this is the answer many other helpful people gave me. The water temp needs to be 76-82 F depending on what live stock you have in your tank (been told 82 F is a little on the high side). Also, your light plays a factor in temperature as well. You need to make sure you have a big enough heater for your tank size. I have a 29 Gal tank and have a 150 W heater which is more than enough from what I am told. Anyways I hope this helps. As far as if power goes out or drastic temperature changes happens to the tank, I cannot answer that. Like I said I am a newbie myself and just telling you what I have found out so far. Good luck.


Thanks peeps, yeah my water is about 79 degrees and I only have a 30 gal with the same heater you mentioned.


Well mine is a 29 Gal and I just started it on Monday so I am learning as well and spent all day in here getting advice from others lol. It's a good place to learn, even if everyone has a different opionion on something, you can still get good advice. Wish you the best of luck!


genarally 78-82 is fine but there are people who get the temp a little higher in the summer do to the place where they live. my tank seems to do better in the low 80's(81-83) but in the winter it hovers around 79-81. as far as your heaters go its better to have 2 smaller heaters than 1 too big because if the big one fails in the open stage you could cook your tank.


Mine stays at a constant 80.1 degrees. Everything seems to do fine.
There are many opinions of temperature range and what your tank should be kept at. However the most important thing is not to have any large temp fluctuations in a short period of time. Ie: 80 degrees to 72 degrees within a few hours. While both temps can support life in the tank the large fluctuation in a short period of time can stress any fish you might have.