Is there and order to put fish in your tank?


Would you put the most aggressive fish in first or the least aggressive?
Should a fish like the Firefish and clownfish be bought in pairs to be put in at the same time? Can I buy another clownfish if I already have one?
As for the reason I ask; I have a Clownfish and he is a bully. I want to add another clownfish but I do not know how to introduce them to the tank. Put the clown in first to establish his territory or let the fish Royal Gramma and the little yellow tail go in first???

noah's nemo

If you have one clown in the tank,he will more than likely pick on the new clown to death.They may pair up if you get a bigger one,but its not a given.A royal gramma and yellow tail can be added with no problems.What size tank?


40 Gallon. I just also want to know if there is a protocol to add more aggressive to a new tank first or least aggressive as well

shrimpy brains

Least aggressive first. Most aggressive definitely last.
How long has your clown been alone? If a long time, it may have turned female. If that is the case, you want to try to pair her with a smaller one. Good luck on this, it is a hit and miss process. What type of clown is it?


Got back from ***** with my roommate who has Lizards...they have 2 Angel Coral beauties in one tank/cell lol! They were not fighting but WOW!!!!
He or she has been in the tank with a Gramma and a yellow tail for about a month now in a smaller tank as I prepare the 40 and its ready. Someone said throw in the Damsel first since he was the cheapest, I dont know lol. But thanks, the Gramma will go in next since the clown is the bully of the tank