Is there any eel that can be kept in a 29 gallon?


Active Member
i have an extra 29 gallon and my brother really wants an eel tank so i was wondering if there is any eel that can live in a 29 gallon permanitly? i wont keep anyfish with it or any thing else exept for a cleen up crew. also if there is an eel that would is there room for 2-4 damsels just for a snack of something to look at? Thanks


there is no eel that can go in a 29 gallon tank but you can get an enginnier goby they look just like eels


There are a number of dwarf morays for that but if you not mind I add some .02 cents worth, dwarf eels do better in a bit larger reef tank which then you can feed better because of the few fish and crabs you would have for you tank can become a mess in time from feeding. I can tell you more in why and so, but right now I got to run and go out soon and will check back later.


And just for the record about those TINY snowflake eels...I had one in a 29g actually for about 1-2 years, although, believe me, it outgrew it, and after 3-4 years started to get a little cramped in a 75g tank.
Id look at engineer gobies, some blennies like the midas, mabe the fresh water morays, they dont get quite as big, probably suitable for a 29g for a long time, if not for life.


well you could get an enggenier goby and say its an eel if hes not a fish expert :hilarious


There are also ribbon eels that stay small-but difficult to feed and they are escape artists. main problem in a small tank is they can easily reach the top and slide out aroundyour tube/filter holes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
There are a number of dwarf morays for that but if you not mind I add some .02 cents worth, dwarf eels do better in a bit larger reef tank which then you can feed better because of the few fish and crabs you would have for you tank can become a mess in time from feeding. I can tell you more in why and so, but right now I got to run and go out soon and will check back later.
im sorry for what i said about you i was just gettin defensive beacouse every one was being not very nice btu what are some of the species of the dwarf moray and are they commonly found?


No, the dwarf morays are fairly rare, and generally very expensive which is probably why only people with large reeftanks get them.


I not a problem with you and if so I wouldn't had respond to your thread now

And for the question, dwarf eels aren't so common, but many people do have them :jumping:
As Jon321 states, they run a high price and it is as Jon says........I, when my two reef tanks are completed in setup, will in time be ordering two mating pair of dwarf eels of two different species for my 180 and 240 reef tanks.


Originally Posted by surfinusa
well you could get an enggenier goby and say its an eel if hes not a fish expert :hilarious
My coby is 14"ong and wouldnt like the 29 at all.