Is there any kind of Frogfish...

coral keeper

Active Member
Is there any kind of Frogfish, Stone Fish, Angler fish or anything similar to a frogfish/Angler fish that can be kept in a 10 gallon tank specially made just for it? If there is a kind of frog fish, stonefish, Angler fish or something similar to them that can be kept in a 10 gallon tank, please let me know.


Active Member
There are some frogfish that stay pretty small - like the wartskin frogfish (A. maculatus), sargassum frogfish (Histrio histrio), randall's frogfish (Antennarius randalli), etc. They are very inactvie and would do just fine in 10 gallons of space, but may have issues with water quality in a tank that small. If the tank is plumbed to a larger system and/or really good filtration, then that would likely be acceptable.
For quite a while, I kept a 2.5" sargassum frogfish in a sump of about 10-15 gallons to try and grow him large enough to go in the display tank with larger predators (sadly - even though he ate well, he never quite got big enough).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Ok, What is the price range for the species you mentioned?
Wartskin frogfish are costly (like $150-350), but sargassums are cheap (I got the one I had for $25).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
What are the survival rates for these fish?
They're pretty hardy. Scott Michael lists them as 4 out 5 for Aquarium Suitability (same level as coral beauty, flame angel, percula clownfish, neon goby, etc)
They hard thing is to get them eating and then weaning them over to good food.
MX#28, i bough a small frogfish from SWF.COM earlier this month (May). Since I got him he has eaten 3 of my fishes (2)damsels, and (1)lawnmower Blenny. He refuses to eaten the frozen food I offer. What can I do to entice him to eat the frozen food? I need to get him to eat, I tried fresh water goupies and he refused to eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Oh, ok. What kind and how many gallon rated skimmer should I get?
Depends on your setup, what you want, can afford, etc - but I would always advise to get a skimmer rated for at least 2 or 3 times more water than you have (in a FO tank).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Are there any kind that have lures in front of their mouth that can be kept in a 10 gallon tank?
The sargassums have lures. The one I kept had about three distinct ways of using it, too - it was very cool to watch.
The 10 gallon thing is still on the edge. How are you going to keep the water quality up?


Active Member
Originally Posted by frog/lionman
MX#28, i bough a small frogfish from SWF.COM earlier this month (May). Since I got him he has eaten 3 of my fishes (2)damsels, and (1)lawnmower Blenny. He refuses to eaten the frozen food I offer. What can I do to entice him to eat the frozen food? I need to get him to eat, I tried fresh water goupies and he refused to eat.
It can be hard. I'm not the say-all expert on this so hopefully others can add to my thoughts - actaully, you should probably start a new thread on it. Either way, here's what I did: found a live food that the frogfish would go for - medium sized feeder guppies, rosy reds, ghost shrimp (the healthiest option) worked for me. Then I started to feed the live food with tweezers (it may take a while for the fish to get used to them - be persistant). Once the frogfish was used to eating something off the tweezers, then I switched over to frozen on the tweezers and after a few tries, the frogfish went for it and was never again much of a problem.
I also had it where I could put something live in a net and lower to him and he would go in and eat it. Then you just substitute frozen for live and hope the frogfish recognizes anything in the net as food. I've found that once these types of fish figure it out, they rarely forget.