Is there any red schooling fish out there?


I need help on fish ? My tankis a 150 gal it has clowns ,tangs,chromis dasmel bio color angle ,................................... wrasse ........................Schooling fish would be great so any ideas


Active Member
Have you considered firefish? They're not all red, but you're not going to get all red..but they do have some red on them. They'd go great in your current setup.


Originally Posted by Emperor11
Have you considered firefish? They're not all red, but you're not going to get all red..but they do have some red on them. They'd go great in your current setup.
maybe ??????????????? thanks emperor11 what about anthias ? any ideas

israel p

New Member
I have a 44 gal with a red scooter, tiger gob, royal gramma, and a tiger something or another. Now I would love to get a bunch of small fish that will school. All the fish have an established spot in the tank and it looks like plenty of room left. My canister and skimmer are for much larger tank. Since the tank is pretty tall it seems ok. Is this a good idea or am I starting to lose it im my fascination over this hobby.
.....yeah crack heads are starting to get concerned about this addiction. They're probably saying we need to get help!


Just off the top of my head:
Pristigenys alta
Sargocentron xantherythrum
Myripristis sp.
Pseudanthias randalli
Pseudoanthias lori