Is there such thing as to much filtration?


I am currently running a fluval 305 canister on my 70 gal FOWLR. I dont have enough room for a sump but I was thinking of getting a hang on skimmer. Can I run them both or would that be overkill?

bang guy

Skimmers and canister filtration serve two different functions. I've never had a need for the canister but skimmers are a really good thing.


Active Member

I am currently running a fluval 305 canister on my 70 gal FOWLR. I dont have enough room for a sump but I was thinking of getting a hang on skimmer. Can I run them both or would that be overkill?
Yes you can run them both...


Active Member
I run the same canister and the Deltec MCE 600 on my 55. My water quality is pretty good according to those color thingies.


Well-Known Member
;) :evil: just picking on u.
Ya I was getting nitrates from mine prob from not enough maintence.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Just to answer you original thread question. Yes there are situations where you can have too much filtration for your tank inhabitants


Well-Known Member
O Sry I thought Ur question had been answered. Some info in this hobby is opinion. I believe in over skimming and I'm not a fan of u.v.
Maybe some but I think a 300+gal tank would be needed.


Never used that brand of skimmer before but I heard good things and also there is NO SUCH THING as too much filtration lol.


Active Member

dont tell that to your filter feeders living in your tank
The tank in question is a 70 gal FOWLR. So if held to the strict definition, in that tank you can't have to much bio-filtration. I do agree with Joe that some corals and filter-feeders will grow faster and look better under less filtration. For example Elegance Coral (Catalaphyllia jardinei).


I would like to start getting corals once i get my tank up too par. Just want everything to be right when before i do. Learned alot from surfing this forum this past week, wish I would have joined a couple years ago would have made things alot easier
Looking into lights as well T5 or LED?


Active Member

What are you trying to do Geo? Give a straight answer to the original question??

Yes You are Correct Sir :laughing:
I find people will get an overly complicated answer from me if looking for a simple one most of the time.