Is there such thing as too many water changes?

I have a 29 galloon tank, with a 5 gallon hang on refugium. I have a biocube protein skimmer and UV sterilizer. My nitrates are 0 and my pH is about 8.3-4. My question is, is there such thing as too many water changes? I do a 5 gallon water change every weekend, but don't know if I'm over doing it. All I have is 2 clownfishes, a mandarin, and a yellow watchman goby. I do have tons of coral though. I'm running a 150 watt metal halide with 2 - 14watt t5's. So I have LPS, SPS, soft coral, and a clam. So if anyone could give me an answer, it would be much appreciated :)

mr. limpid

Active Member
No there isn't. The reason is why do you want to? Norm. is to 20% a month, this can be done, monthly, weekly or bi-weekly. The only reason to more than that is if you are having problems.


There is no such thing as "too many" water changes, but too large at one time can shock the tank.
I do daily water changes (have a unit that does it for me) on my 180. Before I had a daily water change unit, I did weekly 20-30% water changes without any issues.


Since all your doing is taking out dirty water and replacing it with clean, and not excessively, its fine...
I was doing a 2g water change on a 12g tank every weekend,,, my thinking is smaller changes more often keeps everyone happy and levels more level than 1 big change a month....


Originally Posted by smallreef http:///t/390390/is-there-such-thing-as-too-many-water-changes#post_3457387
Since all your doing is taking out dirty water and replacing it with clean, and not excessively, its fine...
I was doing a 2g water change on a 12g tank every weekend,,, my thinking is smaller changes more often keeps everyone happy and levels more level than 1 big change a month....
I agree. I always ran into more issues if I waited it out for the month. My corals just seem to respond better to weekly, and now even my daily changes. I never understood how people could go 1-2 or even more months between water changes.