Is this a goldentail eel? what Kind?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
i 2nd that
sold to me as a goldentail. any onfo on them?
how much do they go for?


not even close to a golden tail
idk the price as ive never tried to buy one.
The head really should have tipped you off
as they are cruestacon (sp) eaters (rounded face)
realatively shy behaves alot like a zebra
eats mainly shell stuff. will eat best if not only clams, shrimps, crawfish


Active Member
It is indeed a White Eyed Moray (Siderea thyrsoidea). I picked one up at my LFS as a general Moray for $35. He is a model citizen and lived with my large SFE for some time. He is currently in a 75g and doing great.
There is some info on them on the web, but it doesn't seem like they are commonly traded.