Is this a good deal?


29 Gallons 150w HQI lighting system 14,000K 150w HQI 3 lampS included
HQI 3 remote ballast included
2 - Nite Vu blue LED's 4
- integrated cooling fans
Two 266 GPH Accela return pump
=CUSTOM ADD ON not found but have been added.
Auto Water top off system
Built in Refugium With Lighting
Dule timer systems.
Custom stand with or without wheels.
Chemicals of all kinds value of over 400.usd alone
salt tester checker .
Items inside
live rock verry purple and lot of sand
Refugium Plants
Black spine urchin
Zebara urchin
Royal Urchin
few small snails and crabs.
IF everything was added up in price and such it would = way over 1.500
But i am selling at 300.00 for it all Under half price
This is for sale in my area and am trying to contact him to buy this set up. I really dont care much about the "live" stuff and if I purchase it I will try to trade it in for credit at a shop somewhere or give it to one of you maybe for a trade lol.