Is this a good deal


I found a deal for a new wet/dry trickle filter (150 gal rated) with a p skimmer for under $250. Siphon of the back of tank with a return. It includes the pumps as well. I was only going to buy a "good" protein skimmer, but for another $50, should I get it? I am planning on a fish and soft coral tank. I have 80# lr and 40#ls. running with an emperor 400 now and plan on adding more lr in the future. I know I need a p skimmer, just wondering if I should get the entire sump system as well.
ok, enough rambling.....


if i was you i would use a old tank or other container as a sump, buy an overflow for 50-75 dollars, and put the remainder of the money in your budget into a good skimmer.
what size tank is this for, and is it going to be a community tank or an aggressive setup? if you are going toward aggressive stuff that eats a lot i would definately look into spending the money on skimmage and not on the container to hold the water.
sounds like a good deal, but for your applications, i think with a bit of creativity you can come out much better doing some stuff yourself.
as a baseline though, a while back when i bought a package deal with a 150 gallon rated sump, overflow, return pump, skimmer rated for 90 gallons, and pump to feed it i paid $289.00 so you are under what i paid at least with a better skimmer.