is this a good idea?

The asking price for the following is only 150.00 bucks... I have a 150g and a 72g... is this going to be difficult to keep healthy? I've heard different things.
He says it is a BioCube... Sent some pictures, but they're not that great.
"I am selling my 29 gallon saltwater setup as I have too many tanks to take care of. Included with the tank is 1 Fermosa wrasse juvinile, 2 baby false percula clownfish 1 emerald crab, a couple blue legged hermits, a cleaner shrimp, a green tipped pacific anemone, 1 turbo snail. a internal fuge with alot of chaeto wcopepods about approx. 20 lbs live rock. 30 lbs live sand. purple and green star polyps. This is a great deal the fish alone are worth 100.00. This is an established tank."


Active Member
Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
The asking price for the following is only 150.00 bucks... I have a 150g and a 72g... is this going to be difficult to keep healthy? I've heard different things.
He says it is a BioCube... Sent some pictures, but they're not that great.
"I am selling my 29 gallon saltwater setup as I have too many tanks to take care of. Included with the tank is 1 Fermosa wrasse juvinile, 2 baby false percula clownfish 1 emerald crab, a couple blue legged hermits, a cleaner shrimp, a green tipped pacific anemone, 1 turbo snail. a internal fuge with alot of chaeto wcopepods about approx. 20 lbs live rock. 30 lbs live sand. purple and green star polyps. This is a great deal the fish alone are worth 100.00. This is an established tank."
Well I was shopping the other day a saw a sweet 8 gallon Biocube that I almost purchased for my dwarf seahorses. The store wanted $150 just for the tank. Can you go and check the tank out before you buy it?
trying to keep what?
The tank is like an hour and twenty minutes from me, so I really don't want to make the trip for nothing. Let me try to get these pictures to work...



Active Member
beadebaserrrr said:
trying to keep what?

I have a 15 gallon tank with dwarf Seahorses. My icon is the biggest male in my tank "Titan". He's just over an inch long. I also have a 45 gallon tank with 2 Erectus Seahorses.
And after seeing the pics, I'd say SOLD!!!
omg those seahorses are awesome...
I want to keep some SO bad.. I don't know if I have the self discipline to, though. Aren't they pretty tough to take care of or something?


Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
The asking price for the following is only 150.00 bucks... I have a 150g and a 72g... is this going to be difficult to keep healthy? I've heard different things.
He says it is a BioCube... Sent some pictures, but they're not that great.
"I am selling my 29 gallon saltwater setup as I have too many tanks to take care of. Included with the tank is 1 Fermosa wrasse juvinile, 2 baby false percula clownfish 1 emerald crab, a couple blue legged hermits, a cleaner shrimp, a green tipped pacific anemone, 1 turbo snail. a internal fuge with alot of chaeto wcopepods about approx. 20 lbs live rock. 30 lbs live sand. purple and green star polyps. This is a great deal the fish alone are worth 100.00. This is an established tank."
*I* think that it's a pretty good deal.

But I didn't see a fermosa juvie wrasse in the pic, I saw a firefish.
Me too! So it makes me wonder... what I am going to find when I get there. I even got on google to make sure I wasn't crazy. haha.


Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
Me too! So it makes me wonder... what I am going to find when I get there. I even got on google to make sure I wasn't crazy. haha.
Hmmmm.... maybe some hair algae??
If I got it, I would tear it all down and put my own cured LR in there and go from there.

I would never trust that someone else would have taken as good of care of their stuff as I would, and like you said, there's no telling what
you would find in there once you got it. But the $150 price is still a sweet one for that 29g Biocube.
that is what i'm going to do... if I like the fish enough I may QT them in the 29 and then put them into my 72 or 150 and start over...
i'm pretty excited about this stuff. haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
omg those seahorses are awesome...
I want to keep some SO bad.. I don't know if I have the self discipline to, though. Aren't they pretty tough to take care of or something?
They are on the top of the extreme care list, however, I would be happy to help you through the basics. How long have you kept saltwater?
I've had saltwater for a little over a year... I've never had any small tanks. Just my 72 and 150g. (And this little 29 soon...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
I've had saltwater for a little over a year... I've never had any small tanks. Just my 72 and 150g. (And this little 29 soon...)
Well the 29 is actually too big for Dwarf seahorses, and not big enough for regular sized seahorses.
This is the 15 gallon high that I currently house my dwarfs(or ponies as I call them; horses for the regular size seahorses) in.