is this a good tank setup?



AGA 10 Gallon with glass lid
Satellite 2 x 40 watt power compact light with mountable legs
40 watt Current Dual Actinic 420nm/460nm
40 watt Current Smartpaq 10000K/460nm
Aquaclear 20g Power Filter
Microjet 320 Power Head
Tronic 50 watt heater
Twister TW-40 cleaning magnet
Instant Ocean hydrometer
Oceanic 25 gallon salt mix
Marine Lab master test kit
10lbs live rock
Arag Alive Bahama Oolite Sand 20lb
Cost = ~$360
Does this look like a good tank set up?


For $360 you can get into a bigger system. 10g is sooooo hard to keep in balance. Ph, temp, and general water quality will swing wildly in a small 10g system. If you are new to the hobby it is a good idea to get the LARGEST system you can afford. Even if you have to build it piece by piece. The level of expertise necessary to keep a small system in check is actually far greater than for a larger system. Good Luck!