Is this a good use for a coral banded srimp?

I have flat worms in a high number in my 24 gallon AquaPod and I need to get rid of them. I can syphon them out because the tenp to hide in places I cant get to. I wanted to get somting pretty and some thing that would help my tank and those flat worms. So I was thinking of a coral banded srimp. Will he do his job?


Active Member
mine doesnt haha, but ive heard that they can! it all matters with which one you get some do, some dont


Active Member
I personally thought an arrow crab was more reef/fish safe that a coral banded shrimp while using them to reduce a bristle&fireworm population. The only time the arrow crab got me scared is when he ran out of worms and started picking off gsp (not that I really cared about gsp since I think its a pest coral anyway) which got me thinking that he's begun moving on to bigger and better prey items. My experience with coral banded shrimp is that when big they will not hesitate to lunge at fish with the intention of catching/killing/eating them... luckily most fish are fast enough to get away.
p.s. the arrow crab knocked out the worm infestation way quicker than the CBS.


Active Member
It is true that CBS are more trouble than they're worth. I had gotten one for the very same reason but it didn't eat any flatworms, but it did eat a large caribbean feather duster worm and went after my fish quite a few times. It was eventually delegated to my sump... I haven't seen it for several months now, so I'm not quite sure it's still alive....


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
It is true that CBS are more trouble than they're worth. I had gotten one for the very same reason but it didn't eat any flatworms, but it did eat a large caribbean feather duster worm and went after my fish quite a few times. It was eventually delegated to my sump... I haven't seen it for several months now, so I'm not quite sure it's still alive....
lol... that sucks... it could have been worse though, I've seen an LFS hustle a "green death" brittle star on someone claiming it was reef safe and fish safe... if only I could have seen the follow up..


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i hv read 6 line wrasse will eat them.
6-lines and yellow coris wrasse will. I went with the yellow wrasse because he is friendly to the other reef safe wrasses and I knew I wanted to get a flasher wrasse. Now the yellow wrasse and flasher are buds, hanging out together.