I just found a used aquarium! Get this... it is 4 feet long, 3 feet tall and 2 feet front to back! What would this be good for? Imagine the possibilities! It has at least 3/8" thick glass, and the supports that run across the top leave two openings that are about 12" wide. does that leave enough room to provide for pumps, filters, etc. , that are necessary for proper water care hardware? This is the first tank I have seen with these dimensions. Unknown brand, but it calculates out to be a 175 gallon. Needs a healthy bit of cleaning, just hard water stains, mostly, but this looks like a doozey of a tank. It comes with a low stand/cabinet, but I would probably build my own for it. It has no lights or other accessories, and they want $300.00 for it. Should I go for it? All comments welcomed! Thanks, Doug.