Is this a jellyfish??

67 demon

I was wondering if this is some sort of jellyfish in my tank? It's been in my tank for about 2 weeks or so. If it is, i'm not really sure how it got in there???? At best, it might be about .5cm in diameter (which explains the bad photo). I assume that i should have no worries with it right? Opinions.....


67 demon

The pic i took today was on the glass, but i have also seen it propelling itself through the water by opening and closing itself. One of the photos i posted is of it opened and the other is supposed to show it closed, but like i said it is extremely small so that is why the closed version is very blurry.
What are the negative consequences of having it in my tank.
Much appreciated.


Active Member
well it sounds like some sort of jelly, a bad part about having them is they get so easily sucked up and that when they die they release toxic chunks so if i wer u id remove it asap

just me

Looks like a hydroid to me.... :notsure: Is there only the one?

67 demon

I have seen as many as two in the tank propelling themselves around. But yesterday, i was only able to locate the one. Hope that is of help.


If they propell themselves through the water, I am almost posative they are jellys..
I would get rid of them, they could injure any fish/corals and irritate you if you touch it (depending on the species).

just me

I still lean towards hydroids. I have had them in both of my tanks before. They often hitchike in. I believe mine entered my tank from artemia cysts. Feeding bbs frequently results in a population explosion (ask anyone who keeps dwarf seahorses) They also like copepods.
Hydroids have two phases in their lifecycle. A colonial stage and a free swimming "jelly" phase. I think the colonial stage resembles pink fuzz although I have never seen it in my tanks.
Hydroids are closely related to jellies..the portugese man 'o war is a hydroid.
Hydroids or jellies, I would probally remove them.

67 demon

Originally Posted by Just Me
Does this look like what you have? (scroll to the 2nd pic)
I would say no. As of now, i see no evidence of any type of extensions from it's body; whether it be tentacles, spines or anything. It looks like a round organism that "opens and closes vertical to its body" to move itself freely and effortlessly through the water. I wish i could show better pics of it, but it is so doggone small. I took the pic with my Rebel XT (stock 18-55mm lens) if that gives you any idea how small it is. I couldn't even get a real clear shot of it because of its size. I'll try again later today... if i can find it.
Is it a possibility that any of my stars will consume it.... even as small as it is??


Not sure how big your tank is. But you need to remove them ASAP, if they get sucked in the, no wait! when they get sucked in the powner heads you may have some serious issues...JMO! Good Luck!!!

67 demon

Thanks for the advice. Like i mentioned before, i have seen 2 of them within the last few weeks. But lately, i have only been able to locate one of them. Not sure what happened to the other. I did in fact remove the one yesterday though.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
did you know jellys and coral derived and evolved from the same animal ?

Really????Wow--very interesting..... :thinking: :thinking: