Is this a normal reaction?


I just got a green clown goby on Sunday. Ever since I have acclimated him and put him in he pretty much can be found perched on the sand just sitting there. He really doesn;t move around a lot. Hes pretty small.. I am glad he wasnt the only fish I have ... I hate to say it guys but he doesn't thrill me! :rolleyes:
Is he ok? Is he possibly scared??
Anyone else out here have one? What does yours do?


Active Member
I was thinking of getting a Clown goby but I read that they hide away for most of the day.
Never heard of one just sitting on the sand though - maybe it's a little spooked about it's new surroundings.


SPOOKED! I think he is one lazy lil fish.
No really..
I havent seen him go after food or anything either.. thats why I am worried!
The lfs said he was a bottom feeder fish,... but heck.. u cant feed if you dont move around some!


Active Member
The ones that I have seen are usually perched on the LR somewhere, I don't think they move around very much, you should always give a new fish a week to return to normal behavior.


They tend to perch on places for a few hours...maybe u should move him to a QT tank and watch hiim closer to see if he is eating...also IMO clown goby's should be kept with SPS corals because they like to perch in them and they feel safer and are much more active
good luck


OOH no!
I dont have any of those corals yet.
I have a few small zoo's
I hope I dont have an unhappy fish on my hands... I will wait for the full week and see how he is acting by then.


Clown goby's like to perch on things and especially SPS branching corals. They do not swim around much so they don't add much activity to your tank. I had two yellow clown goby's until one decided to purch on a large button coral and got stuck on it's feeding polyps and quickly became a snack. Now I have one and he rarely ever goes near the button coral.


Ok well I went home last ngiht and while I was testing the water I though I would check on the lil guy.
I COULD NOT FIND HIM! anywheres!!
Do you think something could have got at him??? I can't imagine the false perc going after him... .. maybe the coral banded shrimp????
What do you think???? I even got a flashlight out and looked at night in all the lil caves from rock:eek:


He may have died, but ours took about a week to really start moving around. As one of the above posts said, ours sat in a spot for a few hours, then moved around to a new spot and sat there. Very cool fish, but not one that moves around much.


OH MY GOD, if he died and I cant find him what am I gonna do??????
I have not had one fish die on me yet! He will polute the tank won't he??
What should I do at this point? Wait to see him or tear the tank apart looking for him??
Kip?? someone.. HELP!
:eek: :(


Active Member
Seen as you got a 10 Gallon tank I would be tempted to have a good look for it.
If you can't find a dead fish keep an eye on the ammonia level. If it starts rising then you'll have to do some water changes to keep it down.
Hopefully you'll find the little fella having a nap somewhere.


Ok then, I guess if when I get home tonight hes still AWALL on me then I will take some rocks out. I did check the ammonia last night fo rthat exact reason .. if he was dead and decaying I would see it go up. Nothing wrong there tho.
I notice my salinty is kinda on the low side, usualy ar 1.024 right now its 1.021
i can fix that tho