is this a problem?


i have some small looking things crawling on my tanks glass they are white looking and small. they kinda look like spiders. any idea what they are?


Active Member
Is your tank pretty young? If so, they're probably copepods...very good thing. As a matter of fact, when I first started my tank and found those, I was told that they were a sign of very good water quality...good job!! Post some info on your tank...age, size, what you plan on doing with it, water check results, etc. This can be a very informative board...just let the good people here know what you're aiming at with your adventure.

Lisa :happyfish


yeah its only about 4 months old. im still trying to get my nitrates down under 20. i have nitrate sponge but that dont seam to be helping to much with it. how are they good for the tank?

sinner's girl

im still trying to get my nitrates down under 20.
what fish/inverts do you have? how much do you feed? ls or cc? kind of fliter? amount of lr?
many ways to lower nitrates once you know what's causing them, (too many fish, overfeeding, cc, not enough flitrations, ect)


New Member
A main principle in eliminating nitrates is the efficiency of your protein skimmer... Most likely what you see on your glass is copepods, which are in fact a staple in your aquarium that provide food for fish like Mandarins. Seccond, many tanks are subject to overfeeding and not enough vacuuming of the sand along with frequent (small) water changes.


lets see i have a bunch of live rock a clow a2 tangs 2 damsels and a morrish idol. asl i have to cleaner shirmps. ;eather coral and a frogstool. i have 3 fluval 404 on this tank a sea cylcon skimmer and a coral base. i feed about three times a day and i do clean the coral bed when i water change