Is this a problem?


Active Member
I noticed this on my colony. I am curious about two things. First, what is this? It looks like a cyct? It has been in the same spot since we noticed it (new frag yesterday).

Second, can you confirm the ID? I was told Paly's so I looked it up and it looks to me like Palythoa vestitus
(Pink Paly). Here is a colony shot. Polyps are dime to nickel size.


Active Member
Any ideas on the ID or the "growth"? The growth seems to be the exact same color as the frilly part around the edge.


Active Member
Is it possibly zoapox? I've seen white growth like that labeled as zoapox, but not so much something the same color. At any rate, I'd QT it, so it doesn't infect other colonies, at least until you get a definite ID.


Active Member
Well it is much larger than any zoo pox pics I have seen. It is about the 1/8" in diameter. Maybe a little bigger.
It looks like a bubble from inside of the animal. Not sure.


looks like it somehow got injured, and has just healed up wrong,kinda like a scar.
or maybe a siamese twin


Active Member
So the consensus seems to be that it is an abnormal growth of some kind either due to injury or defect. I have gotten the same answer from a couple of other sources.