Is this a sponge?


Nice clear photo. I can't say for sure but it looks like something I have in my tank also. As far as I can tell though it looks like coraline algae. I have a very small piece of dead coral that has coraline growing on it and it looks the same even the small hairs. I have had it for over a year and it hasn't changed how long have you had your's and does it seem to be growing or changing shape? If so it is possible it's a sponge. Sorry I couldn't be much help. Cool looking though. ;)


I have them all over my live rock too. They appear to be some sort of filter feeder, but I don't think that they're sponges. Hopefully a shark can clear this one up... ;)


I have them all over. I'm also assuming they are a type of coraline. I have no idea though. I don't think they are sponges because they are hard. I've taken some of my rock out to scrub off some hair algae and I brushed over some of them with a toothbrush and nothing happened to them.

kris walker

Active Member
Wish I could see it. I get an access error and have been getting it for the last hour. Is it only accessable to yahoo members?

richard rendos

Active Member
According to Sprung's book "Invertebrates A Quick Reference Guide" it is Homotrema.
Common name: Red Foram.
Description: Red or pinkish small hard crusts or hard wart-like growths. Sometimes spiny, sometimes smooth. May cover the undersides of rocks or corals in groups spanning several centimeters.
Eats: Filter feeder, organic material, bacteria and microorganisms. Food additions not necessary.
People should really get some reference books.
I am sick of being insulted on this board. It started last night with Joe's Reefer.
If we can't ask questions, why are we here?
I have been laid off since November and I am not going to go out and buy a book to find out what some obviously harmless little pink thing is!
I could have done a search on the internet (and got more current info than any book), but I thought the purpose of this board was to ask, read and learn.


chicken its ok, i know how you feel...alot of people on this board are sarcastic...but sometime you get someone that is very nice and helpful...there alot of nice people here...but when someone starts insulting you over nothing it can make you feel like complete garbage...get a book...the ineterent is just based apond oppions :)


yes...but books are full of knowledge...not that these people aren't...but its better to take it from a pro...a book...ever hear the line...-go read a book- i never had any bad expirences after reading my reef fish books...they are great...


i just looked at that pic...what are u asking about? the flower looking thing? or the little tree looking thing?


Active Member
Remember the old line "My dog ate my homework" well my dogs ate my fish books, really 3 of them over a few months...My airdale can reach anything, anywhere....they must be jealous of my fish...anyway books are great and I miss mine, but I really like getting the opinions of people like myself who are going through this hobby and anyway books give different opinions too or there would only be one book one bottom line, one best practice in this hobby....just ignore the rude people and maybe they will go away. :)


Active Member
As most of you know sometimes people say things that do not come out the way the mean. I have known Richard Rendos for years now and can tell you he did not mean it the way he wrote it. The guy is Extremly knowledgeable and compasionate about our hobby but sometimes has a strange way of putting things. I have learned alot from him and he helps me all the time.
Like I said, he did not mean it the way it sounded.
If he did than I don't know him anymore :)
As far as people on the board being rude. Well, I too have seen some things that I did not like but I just ignore them and don't let the small stuff bother me. If I did, My blood pressure would be higher than it already is.
P.S. Whatever that is in the PIC is really cool.