Is this a torch coral?


The person at the lfs told us that it was. However it does not look like any that I have researched. What do you think? And if not, what is it?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
if its a torch it sure has alot of branches. Looks very much like trumpet at first glance (on 2nd glance it kind of looks like torch or hammer or trumpet). If there's just one circular polyp at the end of each branch its trumpet. If they are a bunch of tenticles retracted at the end of each branch it could be torch.


There are a lot of tentacles sucked into the branches. They don't come out very far. I don't think it is very happy. It wasn't at the store when we bought it, I should have known better. Maybe I can nurse it back to health.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JFarris
There are a lot of tentacles sucked into the branches. They don't come out very far. I don't think it is very happy. It wasn't at the store when we bought it, I should have known better. Maybe I can nurse it back to health.
A little TLC will go a long way with it! I wish ya the best of luck with it! By chance where was it located when you purchased it??????? :notsure:


I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. The tentacles weren't out, it didn't look like it is suppose to when we bought it. When I said "it wasn't at the store when we bought it" I meant, it wasn't healthy looking. I am an idiot. In the store it was located in their display tank right near the top. I think they had just gotten it in, so I hoped that the tentacles would come out when we got it home. So far, they haven't really. It is getting a lot of light, but maybe too much water flow. I'm going to syringe feed it tonight, and see if I can get it to take it.
Thank you for your help and suggestions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JFarris
I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. The tentacles weren't out, it didn't look like it is suppose to when we bought it. When I said "it wasn't at the store when we bought it" I meant, it wasn't healthy looking. I am an idiot. In the store it was located in their display tank right near the top. I think they had just gotten it in, so I hoped that the tentacles would come out when we got it home. So far, they haven't really. It is getting a lot of light, but maybe too much water flow. I'm going to syringe feed it tonight, and see if I can get it to take it.
Thank you for your help and suggestions.
What type of lighting do you have on your tank? What are your water peramiters? If all is well in your tank then you should be able to revive him! What type of lighting your LFS has and what you have are good to always know, so you know how to light acclimate it to your tank. I hope this helps ya! If it is torch coral, mine likes to grab Misis shrimp that floats by, I think he eats it..... It always disipears after he grabs it! You could try some of that with him!!!!


Active Member
Looks like one of my candy corals... only dead. I'd watch what ya buy at the LFS. Looks like you might be able to bring it back, but jeez, hope they gave it to ya for cheap or something.


Active Member
Looks like a torch coral to me. They need bright lighting, but not direct lighting, especially if you have metal halide. They also enjoy meaty foods, not phyto and zoo.


Active Member
bringing up the dead lol.
zooplankton is a meaty food albeit small in size. For the most part zooplankton are just pods. Some like San Fransisco Bay frozen reef plankton arent that small at all, simular to their mysis shrimp.