Is this aiptasia?


New Member
I posted this in another forum, but figured I'd post it here, too. ;-D
I have had my nano tank set up for about 8 months. So far, so good. We've only had two casualties. One was the hermit crabs attack of my feather dusters. The other was a firefish, due to "Nemo's" diminishing territory.
The set up is normal; live rock and live sand. The tank now has 1 true percula, 1 maroon clown, 1 purple firefish, 1 blue damsel, 1 peppermint shrimp and several tiny hermits.
About two weeks ago, I discovered an anemone-type thing in the tank, sticking out of one of my rocks. It retreated very quickly when I turned on the light. When the tank light is off, the thing emerges after about 10-15 minutes. Light on, thing shrinks into the rock.
It looks like a button polyp, but I they like light. After some research, I think it is Aiptasia, the anemonia majano kind.
Does anyone know details about this thing? How much of a threat is it to my tank? I really want to purchase corals and anemones soon but won't if this thing is a threat. And if this thing is a pest, how do I get rid of it?

Sorry for the not so great pics, they were the best I could do.


Looks like Majano to me. It is not an immediate threat, I have a few Aiptasia I need to get rid of myself. They can multiply quickly, so you do want to get rid of them before you end up with a ton of them.
I believe Joe's Juice will work on it. Try doing a search on here and you will get lots of ideas on how to get rid of it.


how big is this nano tank? i seem to be overstocked. along with that i would not mix 2 different clowns species like that... your maroon clown will end up killing your percula (nemo) clown... maroons are one of the most agressive clown species


New Member
It's a 24 gal. I only have 4 fish in there and that's all I'm putting in fish-wise. The true Perc, the Maroon, the damsel and the firefish. And I have the peppermint shrimp and a few small hermits.
And if introduced at the right sizes, two clowns will do just fine. I've had no problems with them since the first day. They were introduced together and the guys that run my lfs explained all that to me because I was torn between which clown I wanted. Trust me, it's been 8 months and they're fine. Besides, the perc beat up the maroon the first day in the tank. They now swim together and co-habitate together nicely.
Anyway, what can you tell me about the aiptasia? Details about the aiptasia and it's habits, how to remove it, etc..... And why does it only emerge with the lights off? I've been looking up this thing for days and can't find anything other than how to get rid of it.


i wish you luck, as the maroon grows older it will kill the percula. just warning you. you can not mix clowns in a small tank. the maroon alone will grow to almost 6" that alone is almost to big for a 24g tank.


It is hard to tell in those pics for their not as clear, for it looks to me it is aiptasia and if so, as one other mentioned here, they grow rapidly, spread like wild fire.
For like in two attach tanks, a 70 and 130, I lots of LR and every other years or so (if needed), I get me some 50 peppermint shrimps at a cost of $150 and this is just to clean the tanks of these pest for not even three days, all the aiptasia vanished as well as the shrimp in the following days or so.