Is this Aiptasia?


Active Member
Doesn't look like it, but need a whole lot better view than that to try and guess.


Active Member
will need better pic but if it is a nem and not a feather duster. I would want to say a little condy maybe but to hard to tell.


Alright, I'll try to get a better picture, but the thing isn't moving out of that spot, and that rock is at the base of my rock work, so moving the rock isn't an immediate option


Active Member
looks like one to me... you should be able to tell the difference between Aiptasia and a feather duster by looking at it... the fingers look to meaty to be a feather duster...


Yeah, I didn't think it was a feather duster. I have plenty of those in the tank, and it looks nothing like them. I'm wondering since there's just one (I thoroughly checked the rest of my rocks), that if I remove it manually out of the tank would it be ok? Or maybe I can put a rock next to it, to make it move to a place where it'd get better light and then I can get rid of it?


Active Member
Any base skeleton? If not then nuke it.
If so then do some reading on Coralimorphs. Some hobbiests like them while others destroy them. I personally DO like them but beware they can be invasive and agressive if ignored. Look close at base and give yourself a positive id along with some reading before making the call.


Active Member
Your close-up shots did not look as promising...definately not a feather duster. I would shoot it with some kalkwasser. You probably won't get it all if you try to remove it by hand, and if it is aptasia then it will just come back unless you nuke it.


Well-Known Member

After looking at close up pictures I am going with aptasia, certianly not a feather duster. so I change my .02


Active Member
Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
sorry about the close ups. There's a big algae patch on the glass right there when I was snapping the shots
If you are referring to my comment, I meant that the closeups were not promising for it being a feather duster. I thought your closeups were very helpful in being able to see the culprit better...


haha, yeah that's what I was refering to. But still, there IS a big patch of algae right there so it does could it up a bit. Went to the LFS and bought two pep shrimp, regardless if it's aiptasia or not. I guess if I see the shrimp eating on it, I know what it is.