Is this an indication that my algae blenny is eating


Last night I turned the lights off and when I got up this morning I saw tiny circles in the algae that has grown on the back of my tank glass. it looks like somone took a straw and sucked up little circles all over the back of the glass.
Do you think that is where he ate some algae off the back glass? I cannot really imagine it being anything else because I have never seen anything like that before.


New Member
The bicolor blenny in the tank does the same thing but only on the algae around his "lair". Sometimes if there isn't much going in around the tank it will dart out of the rock during the day and cling to the glass for a few seconds then repeat the process for a while then go back into hiding.


Active Member
yeah, the lil leaves cool lip prints all over the place
and welcome aboard, std


Active Member
what kind of blenny do you have? My lawnmower blennie used to do this all the time. He left huge lip prints all over teh place. My bicolor howevver doesnt seem to do this and sitcks to grazing off of the rocks!


Active Member
algae blenny, as mentioned in title, same as lawnmower or sail fin, same fish, different knickname
jon, im me
edited: sorry, kyarnkid, im me