Is This Aptasia?


Active Member
These are the best I can get due to some scrathes on the inside of the tank. The camera tries to focus on the glass.

It looks like the pictures I've seen of aptasia, but the guy I bought the LR from said it was xenia.


Some strange looking xenia. Ask the seller if the prescription
on his glasses or contacts has run out. If he replies that
he doesn't where any suggest that he does. All playing aside
I vote it is aptasia as well.


no they are not reef safe.They sting corals or anything that touches them.I would recommend getting a syringe.You fill it full of liquid calcium and inject the aiptasia,You have to make sure to directly inject it and pump it full of calcium.If you dont there is a chance it can reproduce.hope this somewhat helps


Active Member
Bad news. I went from 1 of these to about 20 so far. I have 6 peppermint shrimp coming Monday. Will they be able to control them or am I hosed? There are about 5 tiny ones on the glass. My pink tip Haitian anenome touched the big on while climbing to the top of the living rock and has been acting quite stressed since.


Active Member
One more thing. The first aiptasia in the picture, I tried to kill it, but it sinks deep into a small crevice. It is on the largest piece of LR in the tank and is covered with green zoeas, so I'm not sure what to do.


New Member
I took the advice of boiling water in a syringe. I was quick about it shooting it right in the middle, not giving it time to react. The boiling water disenegrated the nasty guy.


Definetly aptasia. The peppermints are hit or miss with eating them. Here are some things to try. You can give the commercially available remedies a shot, you can do the boiling water a shot, Lemon juice also works, Kalk and water injection, Velvet nudibranchs will eat them and so will coperbanded butterfly