is this brown jelly disease?

woke up to my plate coral with what looks like something has been picking at its side and what looks like brown stringy poop type stuff coming from this spot. it is still puffing up and eating. should i do an iodine dip or leave it and see what it looks like tomarrow?
sorry pics are not great, you can kinda see the brown stuff in pic #2

just came home to find my CBS eating the goo coming from my plate, so most likely he's the bad guy who did this to my plate, right? or is he trying to help it? here are some more pics.



Active Member
He's getting a free meal. Your plate is dying. These guys damage easily and can very hard, albeit not impossible, to bring back. I covered mine with sand one time... it was showing skeleton by the time I uncovered it.
gave my plate a dip lastnight, removed it from my semi-reef tank and put it im my fish only tank where there are no crabs/shrimp to pick at it, fed it some brine shrimp today it ate it just fine. the side that is damaged is not looking good although there is no longer goo coming from it, hopefully it can pull through. should i try to dip it again or leave it be?