Is This Bubble Algae?


Active Member
Yes, emerald crabs are supposed to help w/bubble algae.
I'm sorry, I don't know what kind of crab that is but I feel sorry for it.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Yes, emerald crabs are supposed to help w/bubble algae.
I'm sorry, I don't know what kind of crab that is but I feel sorry for it.
Yah, I kind of feel bad when I seem him out too... wonder how he "lost his legs"...


Active Member
:thinking: I think I've read they can get new claws after a molt. I wonder if the same applies to legs (and I realize that may sound dumb).

who dey

Active Member
my emeralds weren't big fans of bubble algae. Maybe they were wierd though?? I had a problem with it a year ago and it just seemed to go away on its own??


yeah when they molt they will regain any lost limbs he might have got it cought it a rock another fish might have picked on it any number of things.