Is this cheap???


My lfs told me to get 2 55 watt lights for my 26 gallon bowfront will only cost 130.00 is this cheap. The lights are the type that have two legs and that you attach to the sides of your tank.


That all depends - assuming they are power compacts, and include the bulbs and everything - it's not a bad price. You can probably beat it if you spend some time on the internet, but it sounds like a pretty darn good price really.
Any idea what brand they are?


Active Member
Well jake22 let me put it to you this way, I just bought a dual pfo 400watt metal halide kit, with EVERYTHING i need, except i need to build a hood which should run me around....$60US. i paid $200US for all of it plus $50 shipping. so we'll say $320 for the whole shot? You'de be looking at ONE 175watt a hood for your tank...say $40 or $ could EASILY get metal halide lighting for a few bucks more...put what you got now aside for a week or two...on your next payday buy halides, well worth it.


Active Member
I havent made it yet....But i will be....ill break it down for you..i will give prices in CANADIAN funds, and convert it at the end...
Im building it out of 3/8" I just need to buy one big sheet of it. $27
screws/glue to put it all together - $5
some molding for the edges to make it pretty - $20
hinges, knobs for door - $10
That's what....$60 canadian or so? which is around $35 or $40US? I said $60 to allow for anything I forgot to think of which I might need after I start some sorta strips of wood for the canopy to actually rest on the side of the tank for example...
For you, you wouldn't even need a full sheet of plywood to do it.
plywood is not everyone's favorite wood but Im staining mine black so it didnt really matter to me.


Odd, but there appear to be two different people with the same questions about pricing of lights, same wattage, and same tank size too.
Anyway, DIY you can always (well, almost always) save a good chuck of change over buying the entire kit. If you were wondering if the kit is a good price, I would say yes. You might be able to find it a little cheaper, but prolly not too much cheaper than that. Assuming it's a PC set-up with bulbs, fan, switches, reflector, and enclosure.
For your tank, I don't believe MH is necessary, I think PC will deliver the light you need just fine. Of course, that's only my opinion.