Is this crab reef safe?

Angelofish, it does not look like aything from the picture but thanks for the link. MY crab is hairy and look like a spider. It hair are grayish in color and cover the whole body.


I got 1 with some LR a while back and gave it to a friend. It was brown when I had it and it turned white in my friends tank. She didnt have corals at the time so I cant say if its reefsafe or not. Crabs tend to eat what they can get their claws on. If you can catch it, go for it. Better to be safe than sorry.


I also have one of these, I put him in a 10g with a damsel... The damsel is no longer with us...
'Fuzzy' as we have named the hairy crab, was the murderer I suppose, of course, it could have been some other cause... Not sure.
But either way, its a cute crab... And has been worth my time and a 10g aquarium for it.


I believe it might be called a teddy bear crab. Saltwater sells them in the invert section here but are currently out of stock. The picture, however, looks similar to what you got for free. Way to go.


the one i got started out the size of a dime and now is the size of a half dollar. mine has slicer claws. i've caught mine attacking snail and other crabs. he is the prime suspect in the disappearence of my purple firefish. these thing aren't as bad as mantis shrimp but they are still bad news. i belive it is a teddy bear crab btw but iding a crab is not the easeist task.


I am guessing this LR came from Florida. When I was a collector in Florida, I would get these guys all the time. Not really agressive or particularily evil. Just a funny little crab.
I would collect these and cami-crabs. Neither were villians.
Now I was working with FO and Florida Only tanks for the most part. So if there is any concern, put it in your fuge.
I would put these guys in on purpose, but, I prefer benthic life so I am biased.
Good luck and play it safe if concerned.


New Member
Has anyone ID'd this crab yet? I have on in my tank that came with a live rock. It's identical to the one in the photo, but I've checked all the possible ID's, and it definitly is not any of them. I'd like to figure out what this guy is. He's pretty big, and holds territory over a big crevice in my live rock.


If indeed the crab is a gorilla crab get it out as soon as possible. They are predatory crabs that will eat anything and everthing it can ahold of. Shrimp, fish, snails, other crabs, etc.
The gorilla crab is part of the stone crab family. They stalk the tank at night and eat everything in sight. Bad, bad crabs. They do not eat corals so in that sense they are reef safe.
This is a gorila crab:


New Member
It's definitly NOT a gorilla crab. Mine is white, and looks like it has "fur" covering it's entire body. It's very tarantula looking, but has an obvious crab body. Have seen other photos of people who have them on here, but noone has been able to correctly indentify it.



Originally posted by dad
I did a google search for hairy crabs.

I can't believe got a "clean" search from google for "hairy crabs"!!!:D


although the picture I attached is very representative of what a gorilla crab looks like the amount of hair does not show up as well in the picture. From what I think I see in your photo it is definitely not a gorrila crab but then again I don't see a crab in the pile of fur in your coral either.