Is this enough Filtration??


On my 90 gallon tank with huma trigger, clown trigger, snowflake eel and cleaner wrasse, I have a emperor 400, emperor 280, and a magnum 350. Is that enough filtration? I plan on adding a skimmer, uv sterilizer, and possibly a hang on refugium made by CPR. I've got a 2" live sand bed and about 30 lbs live rock. Also 3 powerheads. So that's over 1000 gallons per hour being filtered. Is there any need to ditch what I've got and go for either a sump or a lifegard system? Thanks for the input.


Active Member
I do agree with trey but have to say I love the Emperor filters and they are all I use on all my tanks and have for years. I happen not to be a fan of cannisters or sumps but that is me. I have had no problems I can trace to the Emperors and they are on all but my 3 smaller tanks.