I highly recommend adding a sump. I recently did it for my 55 TruVu and turned it into a reefready. I did this by adding an overflow and drilling the bottom corner behind the overflow and drilling the back and adding four returns. Made the sump myself out of plexiglass and end up to be about 35 gallons total. Depending on the kind of tank you have (plexi or glass) you can drill them or add the hang on over flows.
Although there is no real "outta the box" kit. Just do your research and do it. You will have to have experience working with PVC plumbing. Just cutting, cementing the PVC and adding in the pieces. IE. elbows, junctions or "T"s, shut off valves etc. You can make your own sump out of plexi and make the divider walls out of plexi or buy a cheap glass tank and use glass to make the dividers and secure them with silicon.
Over all in my experience the cost for everything is about 100 bucks. Not including any new equipment you need.
That way the only thing that you'll see in the tank is the overflow and the returns. In my sump, I've got 2 heaters, bubble trap, skimmer, UV sterilizer and the return pump.
Definately do a refugium, you can add cheato and other plants down there. They are very easy to grow and remove things in your tank that "AREN'T" benenifical to it.
Also another thought is this: If you have a 55 gallon and you add a 35 gallon sump. Although the sump will never be full, so actuallyit should be about half full. Then you'll have about 18 gallons of water in there on a normal basis. Your total water volome is 55+18. So now you have a 73 gallon tank and that helps keeps your tank more stable. Less chemical flucuations.
Another thing is this. Once you add a sump, the water level in the display never changes. Your water level in the sump will go down due to evaporation. That is where you add water.
Just go for it and let the questions fly, we are here to help.