is this enough


New Member
at this time I have 4x55 pc on my 75 gallon tank, I'm going tomorro to purchace another set 4x55. the set's have 2x55 actinic 7100k and 2x55 white. will this be enough to keep pretty much any corals, I really want clams, and sps corals. another question is I am building the canopy for the two set's of light's, and was thinking about eventually adding 2 small 175w metal halide retrofit kits...the 2x2 type. how hot can these metal halides get, what I am worried about is the fixture that the pc are in melting. any suggestion's on either question will be greatly appreciated


metal h get pretty hot! they will burn you. i'm not sure if they will melt the ends or not ,you can always put a peice of aluminum at any part that your worried about, that should work fine! hope that helps!!!! remember mh nead 8-12" above water to help with heat! :)