Is This Experiment Dangerous....too Dangerous?


well i have 2 female clowns in my tank that are always fighting and i can't get one of them out w/o tearing apart the tank, but i REALLY dont want to do that b/c i have so much coral and an anemone. the reason i have 2 females is because i tried to make a pair but wound up with a female, and now i know much more about making a pair than i did then.:yes:
well anywaz on to my experience now that you know the situation, (these are 2 tomato clowns by the way) what would happen if i was to go out and buy a genderless clown like from a tank full of tomatoes for sale and drop in there? would he get terrorized too? or would he pair with on the clowns? or what?:notsure:


or should i remove everything and just take the new one out? and if i ever did decide to put a smaller genderless/male clown in the old one's tank again would it pair or be vicious?:confused:
If you get a juvenile and drop it in there he will get attacked by both. If he is really lucky one of the females will pair with him, BUT the female of the new pair will definately try to kill the other female.
It sucks but I would get one of them out before putting in a juvenile. If you take the female to the fish store, they may give you store credit or just trade you for a juvenile. Make sure to call them and ask first.