Is this fish list ok??

lady becca

I have a...
75g Acrylic Aquarium
Wet/Dry Filter From Aqua Clear, rated for a 125 tank
Protein Skimmer from Aqua Clear
70 lbs of Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea
75 lbs Bali Live Rock
1 Candy Cane Coral
2 Green Hairy Corals
1 Kenya Tree Coral
7 Mushrooms
1 Chaulk Bass
3 Oscellaris Clownfish
3 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
6 Snails
2 Black Sea Cucumbers
I know that I need to add snails...but how many more?
I want to add the following corals:
Pulsing Xenia
Favite (Moon coral)
Open Brain
Hammer coral
Torch Coral
I want to add the following Fish:
1 Lawnmower Blenney
1 Orange Diamond Goby
1 Purple Tang
1 clown goby???
And Possibly a star fish.
Any opinions on this list?? Any help is appreciated!
Thank you.


what about your lighting? w/o telling your lighting setup we cant comment on corals but lps corals need good water quality and high light
blenny and clown goby will be fine dont know about diamond goby?
you can go w/ the purple tang but they are very active and quite big fish so your small fish will come out less, small fish doesnt like big active fish. What about a foxface or a dwarf angel? they are less aggressive and slower swimmer
some starfish are hard to keep but there are colourful bristle and serpent stars that are easy to keep, they dont look like regular starfish and will hide but as i said easy and helpful w/ cleaning the sand bed. Becareful some bristle and serpent stars can eat fish