Is this GHA?


I have 2 small clumps on 1 rock...I have been doing reg. water changes, and Parameters are normal (for my tank anyways) I havent checked phosphates due to the fact that I dont have a kit. (You can bet i'll be getting 1 tomorrow!) Anyways, how do I get rid of it? TIA!!
sorry about grainy picture.......


Active Member
yes it looks like gha , if its just on the one rock take it out of the tank and scrub the hecj out of it then rinse with ro water before putting back in the tank to remove any algae spores


I was afraid you'd say's the bottom rock of a pile and I have a shroom attached to it..........(grrrrrrrr.....)


Originally Posted by cjason3041
get a lawnmower blenny, or start aggressive skimming

Good idea!!... I would rather do it naturally, and I really dont relish the idea of pulling all my rock apart..If I get the blenny, do you think he would be too much for a 10 gal tank with a blue damsel? I dont want to overstock........And dont they jump? I have an open tank......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Allterr
Good idea!!... I would rather do it naturally, and I really dont relish the idea of pulling all my rock apart..If I get the blenny, do you think he would be too much for a 10 gal tank with a blue damsel? I dont want to overstock........And dont they jump? I have an open tank......
i thuoght u said it was 2 clumps on one rock, u could try a turbo snail also


you could also try emerald crabs or some scarlet hermits. I put 2 small emeralds and 5 scarlets in mine and they mowed down my hair algae in just 2 days. The emeralds also took care of two small spots of bubble algae that was starting. Once the algae is gone I feed a small piece of nori sheet twice a week.


Originally Posted by Khaari
you could also try emerald crabs or some scarlet hermits. I put 2 small emeralds and 5 scarlets in mine and they mowed down my hair algae in just 2 days. The emeralds also took care of two small spots of bubble algae that was starting. Once the algae is gone I feed a small piece of nori sheet twice a week.
I just added a second emerald crab (a white one) and she is taking care of my gha. My first emerald (green one) has never been interested. I have 3 hermits of which one is a scarlet, but she's never been interested either. Now my new lawnmower blenny has helped a little, but only on the shorter stuff. I ended up reading up on them and apparently this is typical, says you have to either cut or scrub it down before they'll eat it.