is this going to be ok?


New Member
Quick question I converted my 10g from freshwater to saltwater about 2 weeks ago, the tank had been sitting for about 3 months with no water in it, but my question is about a year and a half ago i had treated the tank for ick(while it was freshwater) with Super Ick Cure which contains 1.9mg benzaldehyde green and 30 mg nitrofurazone in it. The tank then ran as a fresh water for a year and 3 months before i broke it down and let it sit for 3 months. When I set it beck up I cleaned it well. My question is is this something that is going to come back to haunt me? I am not using anything besides the actual tank (glass)
here Is what I have for it set up:
12lbs live rock
10lbs live sand
1 hob filter
maxijet powerhead 600
titatium 50w heater
titatium rid volt grounding kit