Is this ich??Please help


My baby porcupine, who I just brought home 5 days ago has 1(small) white spot on his front fin and about 4(small) on his back does not look like sprinkled salt and he is eating just fine (like a pig)..I am going to start the garlic soak..but I just really don't have the funds for a hospital tank..any advice do you think this is Mimmick line who I bought a week earlier also had a spot a few days ago but it disappeared.
Also(sorry) is it true that Snowflake Eels cannot contract ich??
Thank you,
55 gal long
HOT magnum cannister 250
48 lbs lr
65 lbs ls
1 snowflake
1 baby porky
1 baby line mimmic
12 hermit crabs


So 5 spots only? can you describe it better. Flat, puffy, cauliflower like, lumpy, greyish white, bright white? Is it on the lip of a fin on in the fin rays?
More information will help.
Yup garlic might b a good option here, and also starting reading up on hyposalinity shoudl this go clinical in a day or so.
Last point, snowflake eels and all eels are fish, so they can catch ich, however i would consider them ich resistant, as they tend to be the last ones infected.
my opinion


Thank you for responding..the spots, actually 4 of them (but he's only about 1.5") are in the rays of the fins (1 fin in front and 1 in the back)they are definitley white,flat,& perfectly round..I can't do the hypo because of my live rock/sand,right?My nitrates and nitrites are both at zero but my ph is very low ( below 6 and my scale doesn't show any lower than that) so I've been slowly raising my ph w/PH Up by Wardley..could this be the cause??He's still sems quite healthy and if it were up to him he'd eat the local lfs out of all of their krill..Thank you so much
By the way does anyone know how long I should soak the food in garlic juice?Thank you so much..I feel like I'm getting expensive vet. service for free ;)


so he still eating, lets do 3 things, 1)-feed him a wide variety of top quality foods, good meaty foods and stuff w/ veggies/meat in it. 2)-I would also use something like a kyolic garlic(garlic concentrate), and soak your foods in this. Just take out your foods, and pour some of this extract on the food, allow it to soak in for a few minutes. If you thaw the food you can place this stuff on top while its thawing. Heres a link to a question just like yours <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
3)-keep a watchful eye on the spots if it starts to multiply then we'll need to act. Since you LR/LS you migh want to get a Qtank ready just in case. A nice target brand rubbermaid tub20-30gal(costs about $7buz), a sponge filter(placed in your main tank to seed) and an airpump is all you need.Water will come out of your main tank


You are the best and thank you so much for your thoughtful of Saturday afternoon all signs of the spots are gone I fed him/them Fri night and Sat morning w/garlic soaked food and rushed to my lfs first thing Sat morning and started using a 5 day treatment of "STOP" by chem-marin???Anyways it was the only compatible w/my l/r& still keeping my fingers crossed and still adding melafix just in case..thanks so very much!! :p :) <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />