is this ICH ??


my royal gramma suddenly has what looks like white dust all over his front half , the purple half. I did a water change yesterday...oh and now he likes to swim near the top of tank like he wants out. HELP! other fish are fine. its been in my tank for several months as all other fish too.
salinity= 1.023
temp = 78
water tests are good
60 gal hex


Active Member
It probrably is ich....
Check the post for posting to the fish disease board. YOu need to have a lot more info to help resolve the issue...
Do you have a QT tank setup?
Take the fish out asap and start a hypo/ or copper treatment. If you have other fish you might want to move those as well.
What type of filters, lighting, fish, LR yes/no, Exact parameters, how long have you had the fish etc. It is spelled out in the first post on that forum.
Good luck,
:jumping: :jumping: