Is this leather shedding?


About 2 weeks ago i bought this leather.. It opened up nicely the next day.. and every day since then it does this..
First it looks like this

Then the little things go back in or break off, and it looks like this.

Is this normal shedding??


The first pic is polyp extension and the second pic is polyps retracted into base. Mine is tempermental and is retracted for days at a time even when all parameters are great. Then the next thing you know it has polyps extended for a week at a time. Don't know what goes on with them. But yours looks ok. How are your water parameters?


ALk is 9.2
Calcium is 400
PH is 8.2
Temp 82
Salinity 1.023
0 nitrate
0 nitirtes
I havent seen the polyps fully extneded since the day after we brought it home 2 weeks ago.


Periodically my toadstool has retracted like your pictures, then they've developed almost a shine to them. A day later they shed some mucous, and after that seem to open up even more than before.
Just keep an eye on it, and it should do fine. The one I bought is now 2 major heads and at least 4-5 smaller heads with a 6th one on the way. :happyfish


shnab, is there any other coral touching it? if it keeps doing that move it to another spot
i noticed your sg 1023 i keep mine at 1026 for corals. j.m.i.(rick)